Business Development Advisory Services
The growing cannabis and psychedelics industries are just like more established industries:
It's all about who you know and how you're known in the marketplace.
Reputation is everything
Relationships rule
Let's work together on a relationship marketing plan the leverages my deep industry immersion and extensive professional network to connect you to the people and services your business needs to be well organized, compliant and successful.
Let's get you connected​, compliantly
Introductions to attorneys and other reputable service providers
Community outreach meeting planning and facilitation
Positive Impact Plan consultation and/or execution services
Diversity Plan consultation and/or execution services
Small- and large-scale events and relationship nurturing-experiences
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) consulting services
Executive team and staff recruitment
Speaking engagements and podcast placements
Your network is your most valuable asset. ​
I'll share mine and help build yours!

​Beth's cannabis industry immersion
Cofounder + Executive Director, ELEVATE Northeast
Member, Cannabis Marketing Association
Programming Director, New England Cannabis Network (NECANN)
Member, Women Empowered in Cannabis (WEIC)
Supporting Member, Minority Cannabis Business Association (MCBA)
Founder, Massachusetts Mothers for Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana
Founder of The Cannabis Supper Club
Member, South Shore Chamber of Commerce
Member, Norwell Women's Club
Former Member, Rolling Stone Culture Council
Former Chairwoman, Women Grow Boston Chapter
Former Editor of New England Cannabis Network's Weed Blog