Standing Room-Only at Women Grow: Boston's First Signature Networking Event

You’ve seen the articles from our mayor, governor and attorney general telling Massachusetts voters that the Commonwealth isn’t ready for – or opening its arms to – legal adult-use cannabis. But more and more we are also seeing national media like CNN, Forbes, and even the Today Show take the cannabis industry seriously and spread truth instead of scientifically negated “Reefer Madness” politics.
And they’re noticing that women are leading the way. In Boston last week, Women Grow: Boston hosted a packed room of cannabis professionals for an interactive legal update and communications workshop with representatives from Massachusetts Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol (CRMLA), Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) and Medical Marijuana Public Relations (MMPR). The room was packed.
Women have the opportunity NOW to put an end to cannabis and hemp prohibition nationwide, to expand patient access, to reform our racist criminal justice system, and build gender equality into a billion-dollar industry. There are opportunities for all of us – and not just the ladies! – running the gamut from farmers to lawyers, chefs to health practitioners, graphic artists to engineers, accountants to truck drivers.
Despite efforts to protect the interests of our elected leaders' friends and contributors who benefit financially from prohibition, Massachusetts voters will vote on a ballot initiative in November that will get us one step closer to being able to fully explore these career opportunities. And most importantly, we will expand patient access to natural, effective medicine for the adults and children who need cannabis to control terrifying symptoms.
Thank you to those who came out in that dreadful weather and for supporting Women Grow: Boston. Any success within the cannabis industry in Massachusetts is a success FOR the industry, and we're thrilled to be a part of the education, connecting and empowerment of the bold, brilliant women (and men!) shaping the Commonwealth's cannabis industry.